Admissions & General Enquiries Forum

Please use this page to submit any questions that you have about admissions to King Edward's School or for any other general enquiries.  Click on the "Add Comment" button below and a member of our admissions team or a senior member of staff will get back to you as soon as possible.  

This forum will be live from 9am to 12pm on Saturday 17th October and will be checked by staff until 4pm on Monday 19th October.  If you have any questions after this point, please email them directly to

Please note that any comments posted below will be visible to all users. Although your name will not be displayed in the forum, please do not post any comments that contain personal information about you or your child

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  1. Good morning. My name is Tim Burroughs and I am the Deputy Head (Academic). Along with the Admissions Department, I will be answering your general questions this morning. We hope you enjoy the virtual Open Morning.

    Posted by Mr T Burroughs, 17/10/2020 at 08:44

    1. Hi, please could you give some further information about the entrance examination? We are currently in the state system and haven't encountered this before. Many thanks

      Posted by Guest325, 17/10/2020 at 08:59

      1. The entrance exam takes place on a Saturday morning and includes Maths, Verbal Reasoning, Comprehension and Creative Writing. Full details of what is covered in each of the papers can be found in the Admissions page on the website. Parents are also offered the opportunity to meet the Headmaster, while children meet one of our teachers, usually the Head of Year 7 or Head of Sector, to have a chat about themselves.

        Posted by Mrs H Beswick-Lane, 17/10/2020 at 09:05

        1. The exam tests only what is taught in the national curriculum in Year 6 for English and Maths and there is also a verbal reasoning test which assesses general ability. We have a teach-in every year (it will be virtual this year) when we explain each paper and give examples of what sort of questions will be in it. There is also an interview with each pupil so that we can meet them (again virtually this year) and they can tell us about themselves and ask us questions that they want answering. Parents will also have an opportunity to talk to the Headmaster about the school.

          Posted by Mr T Burroughs, 17/10/2020 at 09:05

        2. Hi, please could you give a snapshot of the geographical spread of where pupils live and travel from each day.

          Posted by Guest448, 17/10/2020 at 09:06

          1. Pupils come from in and around Bath and from all directions including Frome, Radstock, the eastern side of Bristol, Yate and Marlborough, Box and Chippenham and from Swindon. Some routes are served by public transport and some by transport laid on by the school.

            Posted by Mr T Burroughs, 17/10/2020 at 09:12

            1. Thanks. Does geographical location have much impact on the development of friendship groups as children pass through the school (eg it is easier for those who live in Bath to do joint activities/socialise etc than those who live beyond Frome or Yate)? [we live near Tetbury beyond Malmsesbury]

              Posted by Guest448, 17/10/2020 at 09:19

              1. We have pupils from the Tetbury area and similar areas and they get involved in as much of the extra activity as any other pupil. As we finish lessons at 4 pm, most of our extra-curricular activities are finished by about 5- 5.30 so transport home is still frequent. We do a lot to foster friendship groups in Year 7 and you might want to have a look at the Pastoral Care section of the Open Morning. There are some existing pupils involved in that Q and A who will be able to tell you more about how they have settled in and the opportunities and friendships they have forged.

                Posted by Mr T Burroughs, 17/10/2020 at 09:34

          2. Hello, could you please give an idea of how competitive the exam is for Year 7, ie how many applying for how many places? Many thanks

            Posted by Guest195, 17/10/2020 at 09:09

            1. In recent years we've had 140 to 190 pupils take the Year 7 exam with 100 to 120 pupils joining us in 5 to 6 Form Groups. Whilst we are academically selective we base significant emphasis on the many other qualities and attributes outside of the classroom that children bring to the school.

              Posted by Mrs H Beswick-Lane, 17/10/2020 at 09:14

            2. Good morning! Possibly a difficult question to answer but to help me work out if my children are a good fit for the school, what kind of CAT scores are you looking for? I appreciate that the interview and other factors will count but it would be extremely helpful to know what the benchmark is.

              Posted by Guest436, 17/10/2020 at 09:15

              1. Good morning! We use an alternative nationally standardised system to CAT but they are comparable and our average intake score is around 115. This translates into a spread across the top three quartiles nationally, many in the top two, but not certainly not exclusively. Pupils bring many other qualities to the school so those attributes and their desire to learn and take advantage of what King Edward's has to offer are also an important part of what counts.

                Posted by Mr T Burroughs, 17/10/2020 at 09:26

              2. Good morning. We have two questions: (1) I understand that there are a number of elements to the admission process i.e exam, child interview, parent meeting and school report. Can you expand on how you weight these different elements e.g. does the exam have most weight with other factors more of a confirmatory nature? (2) How many places do you have in year 7 and typically how many of these are taken by pupils transferring from King Edward's Junior School?

                Posted by Guest453, 17/10/2020 at 09:29

                1. In recent years, we have taken in 100 to 120 pupils over 5 or 6 Forms (i.e. around 20 in each form group), about half of these come from our Junior School and half from a wide range of other schools (over 80 different schools in last 5 years). The exam is a good indicator of whether a child will cope with the academic pace and challenge of King Edward's School but we also place great emphasis on the other attributes and personal qualities that children bring to the school. The current school report is important as we understand that it will be written by teachers that know the child well.

                  Posted by Mrs H Beswick-Lane, 17/10/2020 at 09:37

                2. Is there any sibling preference for admission at Year 7 at all?

                  Posted by Guest195, 17/10/2020 at 09:37

                  1. There is no sibling 'preference' as such because it is important that all pupils pass the admissions process by their own hand but the reality is that we do have a large number of siblings throughout the school and we set great store by the loyalty that many families show us over many years.

                    Posted by Mrs H Beswick-Lane, 17/10/2020 at 09:42

                  2. Good morning, please will you confirm the closing date for applications and when the entrance exams and interviews are taking place?
                    Are you anticipating that children come in to school to sit them?

                    Posted by Guest230, 17/10/2020 at 09:43

                    1. For children applying from schools other than King Edward's Junior School, the deadline is 30 November. For KES Junior school children the deadline is 30 October. The Entrance exam is 23 Jan 2021 and at this stage, we are anticipating children will come into school to sit the exam - all done safely, in a socially distanced way. Details of how this will work will be sent to parents who have applied in due course.
                      Interviews for KES junior school children will be in November and early December, external interviews will be in January before the exam. Hope this helps.

                      Posted by Mr D Chapman, 17/10/2020 at 09:52

                    2. Good morning! On the registration form there is a section for child’s hobbies, interests and skills. My son is a current KES pupil. Is this the section that his personal statement needs to sit in or is this a separate activity? Thanks

                      Posted by GuestK521, 17/10/2020 at 09:44

                      1. The Headmaster really enjoys reading all the children's personal statements, so please encourage him to write as freely about his hobbies, interests and skills as he wishes. These elements can be added to the section on the registration form.

                        Posted by Mrs H Beswick-Lane, 17/10/2020 at 09:47

                      2. How long is break and lunch time?

                        Posted by Guest459, 17/10/2020 at 09:49

                        1. Break time is 25 minutes and lunch time is an hour and 20 minutes, giving plenty of time for play, relaxation and to take part in some of the many clubs and societies that take place

                          Posted by Mrs H Beswick-Lane, 17/10/2020 at 09:53

                        2. What is the food like at school?

                          Posted by Guest459, 17/10/2020 at 09:49

                          1. There is a wide range of hot and cold food available, with vegetarian and vegan options and all special diets catered for. Almost all pupils take school lunches and the clean plates at the end of each sitting suggests that the food is very much enjoyed! Meals are cooked fresh on our premises, with ingredients sourced locally as far as possible.

                            Posted by Mrs H Beswick-Lane, 17/10/2020 at 09:55

                          2. Hello, I'd be grateful if you could clarify what the school's policy is as regards the use of mobile phones in the school. And roughly what proportion of Year 7 pupils would you say have their own phone?

                            Posted by GuestK509, 17/10/2020 at 09:56

                            1. We understand that most 11 and 12 year olds have their own mobile phone and will often use these for social reasons outside of school. However, our policy is to discourage pupils from using their phone in school and our Year 7 pupils in particular are not to use their phones during the school day, except for in emergencies or making changes to travel arrangements. The rules do gradually change as pupils move through the school. Middle School and Upper School pupils (Years 8-11) are not allowed to use phones inside the buildings, and phones must never be out in lessons. As you would expect, Sixth Form pupils have more leeway, and we allow them to use their devices in the Sixth Form centre.

                              Posted by Mrs H Beswick-Lane, 17/10/2020 at 10:08

                            2. Are you doing any individual tours at the moment please?

                              Posted by Guest427, 17/10/2020 at 09:57

                              1. We are not currently offering individual tours of the Senior School, but we are hoping to resume these after half term. Please email your details to so that we can contact you to make an appointment as soon as dates and times are confirmed

                                Posted by Mrs H Beswick-Lane, 17/10/2020 at 10:11

                              2. As the entrance exam covers the Year 6 curriculum, but takes place near the start of Year 6, do you recommend tutoring in preparation for the exam?

                                Posted by Guest195, 17/10/2020 at 10:04

                                1. With the exam in January, a significant part of the Year 6 curriculum has been covered and we focus on the key topics that most schools deal with at the start of the year. We provide out-reach teaching in Maths and English to several local primary schools so we keep up to date with the programmes maintained schools are following. There is no need for any tutoring in preparation for the entrance exam and we provide a list of the topics in the exam when we do the teach-in so you can highlight any issues, if you do have any.

                                  Posted by Mr T Burroughs, 17/10/2020 at 10:15

                                  1. Hi, following on from your comment, I was wondering if you could help with this query. Having had 6 months off school due to Covid, and very little input from my daughter's school during this time, I am worried that she may well not be up to speed by January. Will any allowances be made this year to allow for situations such as these?

                                    Posted by Guest325, 17/10/2020 at 10:24

                                    1. It has been a very stressful and difficult time and we don't want to penalise students for this. The teach-in and specific entrance exam information will allow you to see if there any particular topics that your daughter might not to focus on but the VR testing allows us to identify overall ability regardless of what they have been taught (or missed) and the interview also gives us an excellent insight into each student as an individual and learner.

                                      Posted by Mr T Burroughs, 17/10/2020 at 11:01

                                2. What are the extra curricular clubs?

                                  Posted by Guest329, 17/10/2020 at 10:06

                                  1. we have a wide range of activities and clubs that run throughout the 2 week timetable. It would be better to check what is available by going to the website using
                                    hopefully you will see on that page and by turning the pages of the booklet what is available. You could also go to the Pastoral Care and Co-curricular Forum to ask the pupils there.

                                    Posted by Mr D Chapman, 17/10/2020 at 10:18

                                  2. Good morning, we have not been able to visit the school yet because of the pandemic restrictions. Do you expect prospective pupils to be able to visit at any point? Thanks

                                    Posted by Guest389, 17/10/2020 at 10:09

                                    1. We are not currently offering individual tours of the Senior School, but we are hoping to resume these after the half term break. Please email your details to so that we can contact you to make an appointment as soon as dates and times are confirmed

                                      Posted by Mrs H Beswick-Lane, 17/10/2020 at 10:13

                                    2. How does the school encourage diversity amongst the pupils? Are there bursaries that encourage people with different economical backgrounds to join teh school? How it supports pupils from different religions? What is the percentage of pupils that come from abroad or parents are not born in the UK?

                                      Posted by Guest329, 17/10/2020 at 10:10

                                      1. Our ethos is to encourage pupils from all backgrounds, cultures and faiths to reach and fulfil their potential at KES. We have pupil forums that openly discuss a range of issues and we are continually reviewing our curriculum and procedures to encourage a diverse range of perspectives Around 20% of applicants are awarded means-tested bursaries with between 10% and 100% financial assistance. Pupils mainly come from the Bath area but also from further afield and from abroad.

                                        Posted by Mr D Chapman, 17/10/2020 at 10:30

                                      2. Good morning, please could you let me know;
                                        1. What is the maximum class size in the Senior School? I note you say 'around 20' in each form group. Do the class sizes fluctuate in KS3 and KS4 depending on the subject being studied (rather than 'around 20' in the tutor group)?
                                        2. What is the school's policy on use of mobile phones - in lessons and also at break/lunch times? What is your system for students who may breach any policy you have in place?
                                        3. How do you deal with bullying, including online bullying?
                                        Thank you for your time.

                                        Posted by GuestK506, 17/10/2020 at 10:12

                                        1. Class sizes do vary according to the numbers taking the subject at GCSE and A level. At GCSE we are usually able to accommodate all subject choice combinations, leading to a range of group sizes including some as small as 10. In Years 7-9 they are more consistent, with the exception of Maths where there is some setting. There are posts on the Maths Q and A about this. Our notional maximum class size is 25 but in practice this is very rare and usually only applies to e.g. top Maths set and some GCSE option choices. Most KS3 groups are around 20. KS4 options tend to average around 14 to 15. The average A Level group is around 8 or 9 with a notional maximum of 16. Languages are the only option in Year 7 and these do vary one or two either way depending on the combination of choices.

                                          Year 7 pupils are not allowed phones at school. If they bring them they must hand them in. Phones are not allowed to be out in lessons, and older pupils are not allowed to use phones in buildings at break and lunch. As you would expect we allow Sixth Formers more freedom, and they are allowed to use their devices in the Sixth Form Centre. Sanctions vary, obviously, depending on the nature of an offence, but pupils can expect phones to be confiscated if they are seen. Repeat offences or serious incidents result in a range of sanction.

                                          We talk a lot about bullying with the children, and they know who they can talk to if they have worries. We approach every issue sensitively and work young people and their families when issues arise. Teenagers do make mistakes when navigating the online world, and our approach is as much about education as well as sanction when things go wrong.

                                          Posted by Mrs H Beswick-Lane, 17/10/2020 at 10:46

                                        2. Good morning. Is there any Covid contingency for the entrance exams at the moment, or are you confident that the usual examination process will be able to take place? Many thanks

                                          Posted by Guest424, 17/10/2020 at 10:16

                                          1. At the moment we are planning for an on-site, COVID safe entrance exam. However, if circumstances change then we will look at alternative arrangements.

                                            Posted by Mrs H Beswick-Lane, 17/10/2020 at 10:20

                                          2. Hi, if a child has an academic scholarship or a special talent award (eg drama), what does this mean for the pupil when at school?

                                            Posted by Guest389, 17/10/2020 at 10:16

                                            1. Pupils with special talent awards are given support by the relevant department to further develop their talents. There will be some pupils who have a talent that only comes to the fore after they join the school, perhaps because they have not had the opportunity beforehand to get involved in much drama, who will also be supported but those with an award are identified at the start and get support straightaway. For the parents, there is also a small financial benefit in some remission on the annual school fees.

                                              If you want to know more about how a department supports these pupils in their area, please post a question on the relevant subject page and they will be happy to tell you more about the opportunities available.

                                              Posted by Mr T Burroughs, 17/10/2020 at 10:31

                                            2. My daughter is keen to apply for two Talent awards, it looks like the interview timing for them is the same afternoon. Can she apply for more than one and if so, how would that work?

                                              Posted by GuestK504, 17/10/2020 at 10:19

                                              1. Children can only apply for one Special Talent Award. Do get in touch if you require any further information regarding the awards.

                                                Posted by Mrs H Beswick-Lane, 17/10/2020 at 10:23

                                              2. We have an admissions form from last year. Is it ok to use it rather than printing out this year's one?

                                                Posted by GuestK504, 17/10/2020 at 10:22

                                                1. It will be absolutely fine to complete the Senior School registration form from last year

                                                  Posted by Mrs H Beswick-Lane, 17/10/2020 at 10:25

                                                2. Does KES offer scholarships?

                                                  Posted by Guest329, 17/10/2020 at 10:27

                                                  1. There are a small number of Academic Scholarships awarded to those who do excel in the main Year 7 entrance exam. The Headmaster may also makes a limited number of Discretionary Awards to those joining other year groups.

                                                    Posted by Mrs H Beswick-Lane, 17/10/2020 at 10:31

                                                  2. Good Morning, what preparation do you recommend for a child who is in year 9 and would like to join KES in year 10?

                                                    Posted by Guest276, 17/10/2020 at 10:33

                                                    1. If your child is following the national curriculum or something very close to it (as most independent schools will do in readiness for GCSEs) then they should be fine to access our GCSE and IGCSE programme and to sit the entrance exam for Year 10. We will, as with Year 7 entrance, happily give you more information on this and the format it takes. A few students come from schools that have not done the same range of subjects that we have and find their GCSE choices affected by this (Latin is not common in many maintained schools) but they will be able to access most of our subjects and they have plenty of choice to select from. I would be very happy to discuss any particular questions you might have that are not best posted publicly, in which case, please email and we will get in touch with you.

                                                      Posted by Mr T Burroughs, 17/10/2020 at 10:44

                                                    2. Good morning, I'd like to know about GCSE's please; is there a minimum / maximum number that pupils must take and what are the compulsory subjects?

                                                      Posted by Guest333, 17/10/2020 at 10:35

                                                      1. The compulsory subjects are similar to most schools and are English (Language and Literature), Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and a Modern Foreign Language (French, German or Spanish). Beyond that the choices is 3 more subjects from our range of GCSEs. All students are taught the same number of subjects and most will get 10 GCSEs/IGCSEs (the 7 compulsory subjects and their 3 choices). A few students, who are not natural scientists, still study the three sciences separately but sit the Combined Science GCSE and get two GCSE grades from this (so that they can get two higher grades). 9 or 10 GCSEs is the best combination of range and outcomes and universities are interested in the overall level of attainment rather than the set number of grades. This number of GCSEs also gives a very good range of choice for A level in our Sixth Form.

                                                        Posted by Mr T Burroughs, 17/10/2020 at 10:53

                                                      2. Good morning. We are looking to apply for my daughter to join the school in September 2022 (year 7) .How early can we look to apply?

                                                        Posted by Guest385, 17/10/2020 at 10:41

                                                        1. Although the application process for September 2022 will start with our Open Morning in the 2021 Autumn Term, you can complete the registration form and return it to us with the registration fee as early as you like. Your daughter will be invited to the Teach-In morning in December 2021 ahead of the Entrance Exam in January 2022.

                                                          Posted by Mrs H Beswick-Lane, 17/10/2020 at 10:52

                                                        2. Thank you, the pupils and all your colleagues for a very informative open morning. Lots of engaging information and answers to questions. Good luck with the rest of the morning.

                                                          Posted by GuestK504, 17/10/2020 at 10:48

                                                          1. It appears that the school actively promotes competition within sports e.g. lots of fixtures and entering of prestigious national school competitions etc. Does that competitive ethos also extend to academic performance?
                                                            For example, does the school encourage academic competition between pupils, will pupils be measured against each other (e.g, for internal exams do pupils know their mark relative to others in the class etc)?

                                                            Posted by Guest453, 17/10/2020 at 10:52

                                                            1. We do not give students information such as rank orders in any of our internal exams or tests so that the academic focus is on developing their own skills and not worrying about those of others. Academic progress is measured against their own prior attainment and not that of others. Inevitably children will compare marks and the academic grades we give in reports but our academic and pastoral support of their achievement and progress is based on their own individual needs. We reward individual successes in the classroom at all levels equally. There is recognition of high levels of achievement in sport, drama, music and so forth, through team success and individual awards and we have a prizegiving for these and the academic subjects like most schools but there are also awards for individual progress and growth within this as well as for outright excellence.

                                                              Posted by Mr T Burroughs, 17/10/2020 at 11:08

                                                            2. Hi - what is the rough gender split in year 7 and 8?

                                                              Posted by Guest316, 17/10/2020 at 11:07

                                                              1. The gender split varies from year to year but the school average, boys to girls, is 57 to 43.

                                                                Posted by Mrs H Beswick-Lane, 17/10/2020 at 11:11

                                                                1. And is there a trend towards more boys lower down the year groups?

                                                                  Posted by Guest316, 17/10/2020 at 11:12

                                                                  1. It varies from year to year and the gender split isn't age dependent. Our current Year 6 has more girls than boys.

                                                                    Posted by Mrs H Beswick-Lane, 17/10/2020 at 11:16

                                                              2. How do you promote positive messages about diversity and gender, class across KES?

                                                                Posted by Guest253, 17/10/2020 at 11:29

                                                                1. Pupil voice is a powerful force. We have groups at every level that discuss issues and address them across the school in Assemblies. A group of Sixth Form pupils set up the gender equality group "Aloud" a number of years ago, and this remains an active and thriving society. We welcome a wide range of speakers on all sorts of topics, and PSHE sessions cover topics such as gender equality, diversity, tolerance, as well as specific sessions on the school's inclusive ethos. In response to the "Black Lives Matter" movement in the summer term we began a review of curricular materials and academic teaching, and our Equality and Diversity Committee will be up and running in the second half of this term. We value individuals and children should not feel pigeon-holed in our school.

                                                                  Posted by Ms C Losse, 17/10/2020 at 11:52

                                                                2. Good morning. Please can you provide some background as to how the school keeps parents informed as to a pupil's progress e.g how often do you hold parents' evenings, provide written reports etc

                                                                  Posted by Guest453, 17/10/2020 at 11:31

                                                                  1. We provide some form of reporting to parents about every half term (except in Years 11 and 13 when there is nothing in the summer term when they are doing exams), whether that be a full report, interim set of grades or a parents' evening. All pupils are reviewed just before the October half-term by each subject teacher and grades passed on to parents and pupils and a Tutor Parents' meeting held with those at the start of a key stage. In fact, these will take place next week for our current pupils. All pupils then get a full, written report at Christmas. There is another written report at the end of the spring term for Years 11 and 13 and for everyone else at the end of the summer term after their internal exams. Each year group gets a full parents' evening each year with meetings with each subject teacher. Interim grades are sent home in between these.

                                                                    Beyond that, we make contact with parents as necessary should there be a need to or to recognise some particular achievement or point of progress

                                                                    Posted by Mr T Burroughs, 17/10/2020 at 11:44

                                                                  2. Please could you confirm the entry process for someone who is currently in year 8 looking to move to KES?

                                                                    Posted by Guest222, 17/10/2020 at 11:33

                                                                    1. The entry process for those who are looking to join Years 8 to 10 is largely the same as at Year 7, the Entrance Exam takes place on the same date, but there are two interviews for entry in to these year groups. One is a general interview, with the Head of Year or Head of Sector, to find out about the child and an Modern Foreign Language interview, with the Head of the Language they have been studying. As Year 7 is our main entry point, the number of applications we can accept to join the other year groups is limited and dependent upon the number of places available. We take into account reports and references from the current school and we have a number of children who join Years 8, 9 and 10 each year and thrive at King Edward's.

                                                                      Posted by Mrs H Beswick-Lane, 17/10/2020 at 11:43

                                                                    2. How will children with ASD or there support needs be able to complete you exams? If a child has potential academic ability for instance but struggles with exam conditions at 10YO is there options for less pressured assessment conditions?

                                                                      Posted by Guest253, 17/10/2020 at 11:43

                                                                      1. Pupils with specific needs will have the opportunity to sit their Entrance Exam in a separate room. This room will have fewer pupils and existing exam access arrangements (eg extra time and/or use of a laptop) will be met. Pupils in this room will be kept on task and supervised by the Head of Learning Support, Mrs Munn. Mrs Munn would establish a relationship with your child before the exam during the Activities Morning, Teach In, interview (subject to these events being possible in current times) to help alleviate any pressure/anxiety.

                                                                        Posted by Mrs H Beswick-Lane, 17/10/2020 at 12:03

                                                                      2. Can parents contribute to the school through the PTA?

                                                                        Posted by Guest253, 17/10/2020 at 11:51

                                                                        1. We have a very active KES Parents group, from across all three sites, who play a positive role in fund raising for projects in school. This is a very social group with organised events throughout the year, including the Christmas Fayre, Summer Ball, quizzes , wine tasting etc. All parents can join or attend any of the events that are advertised. All are welcome!

                                                                          Posted by Mrs H Beswick-Lane, 17/10/2020 at 11:54

                                                                        2. Hi good morning, what exactly does tuition include and not include? Are there any essentials not included in tuition (e.g, textbooks, uniforms etc)? What can I expect my overall yearly expenses, including tuition and extra costs, to be at your school? Thanks

                                                                          Posted by Guest399, 17/10/2020 at 11:52

                                                                          1. The fees cover all tuition, including standard textbooks, exam entry costs and educational materials. Uniform and Games kit are paid for separately. There are other charges for lunches. individual music, lamda or learning support lessons. Some trips, especially residential trips, also incur an additional charge. Almost all clubs and societies that take place in school are included in the fees. We aim to keep both the level of fees and the chargeable extras as low as possible.

                                                                            Posted by Mr D Chapman, 17/10/2020 at 12:00

                                                                            1. I should also add the fees include after school care until 6.00pm as well

                                                                              Posted by Mr D Chapman, 17/10/2020 at 12:05

                                                                          2. For pupils from parents dealing with reductions in financial circumstances. Is there provision for assistance participating in extra curricular activities?

                                                                            Posted by Guest253, 17/10/2020 at 12:01

                                                                            1. extra curricular activities within the school day are covered within the tuition fees. Please see the previous answer above.

                                                                              Posted by Mr D Chapman, 17/10/2020 at 12:07

                                                                              1. for out of school trips, there may be additional support available particularly if a pupil is already on a means tested bursary.

                                                                                Posted by Mr D Chapman, 17/10/2020 at 12:12

                                                                            2. Thank you for attending our Virtual Open Morning and for posting such a wide range of very interesting questions. We hope that you have found all of the information provided helpful but should you have any further questions, these forums will be monitored until 4pm on Monday. Alternatively, you can send any enquiries to the Admissions Department directly:

                                                                              Thank you for your interest in King Edward's School, we wish you an enjoyable and pleasant weekend.

                                                                              Posted by Mrs H Beswick-Lane, 17/10/2020 at 12:18

                                                                              1. Thanks for such a useful virtual open event, I just had a couple of additional questions. What is the rough proportion of pupils from state schools joining Year 7 compared to those coming from the private sector? Also, is there any provision for supervised homework time after lessons finish in the afternoon? Many thanks again.

                                                                                Posted by Guest195, 19/10/2020 at 11:40

                                                                                1. I am pleased you found the event useful. The proportion is roughly half from each, although it varies a little each year. Most of those coming from the independent sector come from our own Junior School. We treat all Year 7 pupils as new to the school with the same induction process from the later part of the summer term of Year 6.

                                                                                  We have supervised, after-school care until 6 pm for those who want it, as well as clubs and activities going on. Pupils in the after-school care rooms usually get on with their homework or other school work.

                                                                                  Posted by Mr T Burroughs, 20/10/2020 at 11:14