Pastoral Care and Co-curricular Programme

Please watch the video below where some of our Year 7 pupils discuss some frequently asked questions about pastoral care at KES, then scroll down to the forum below to submit any of your own questions.

Click here to access our co-curricular webpage, which outlines all of the fantastic opportunities on offer here at King Edward's Senior School.

Thank you for watching.  If your question was not covered in the video, then please use the "add comment" button below to ask one of our teachers or pupils for help.  They will be live on the forum from 9am to 12pm on Saturday 17th October and will then be checking for questions throughout the weekend (although response times will not be as quick).  The forum will close at 4pm on Monday 19th October, after which you can email any questions to 

For General Enquiries: The forum below is intended for questions relating to the pastoral aspects of Year 7. If your query is more general, then please post it on the Admissions and General Enquiries forum and one of our admissions team or senior teachers will get back to you.

Click here to access the main Subject Q&A Forum menu

Please note that any comments posted below will be visible to all users.  Although your name will not be displayed in the forum, please do not post any comments that contain personal information about you or your child

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  1. Good Morning! This is Ms Losse, Deputy Head (Pastoral) here. Our Year 7 panel will be joining me shortly to answer any questions we didn't get to in our short film, and we look forward to hearing from you....

    Posted by Ms C Losse, 17/10/2020 at 08:57

    1. Hi there - was just wondering how year 7 is integrated into the whole school? Do all year groups mix from day 1, or is there some form of 'segregation' pre/post year 9? (I mean normally, not during COVID)!

      Posted by GuestK596, 17/10/2020 at 09:20

      1. Hello. We house Year 7 in their own building in order to help them settle, and the Year 7 tutor team is also a specialist group. We would normally hold whole school assemblies once a week which means that everyone feels part of the community, but at the moment Assemblies are year group only. Our school is structured very much "horizontally" (ie in Year Groups or Sectors), but there is good mixing between older and younger children as pupil move through the school, and in some extra-curricular activities. We use older children to mentor and buddy younger ones, too, and usually use Sixth Form prefects to work with specific Year 7 forms.

        Posted by Ms C Losse, 17/10/2020 at 09:28

      2. Hi, what 121 support is offered for children if/when they struggle with the typical emotional issues that face so many teenagers (stress, anxiety, cybershaming etc) and how does the wider school culture/community engage with such issues?

        Posted by Guest448, 17/10/2020 at 09:23

        1. Relationships with Form Tutors are key. Pupils will know who they can talk with should they need to, and we work closely with children and families when issues arise. We have two Nurses in our Medical Centre, a school counsellor, and regularly run staff training on mental health and wellbeing related issues. Large numbers of staff are Mental Health First Aid trained. PSHE (Personal, Social, and Health Education) regularly supports discussion of such topics, as do Assemblies.

          Posted by Ms C Losse, 17/10/2020 at 09:33

        2. Hiya, my name is Lola and i'm a year7 pupil. Please ask me some questions!

          Posted by Lola, 17/10/2020 at 09:40

          1. Hi Lola, do you do any clubs after school?

            Posted by Guest329, 17/10/2020 at 10:31

            1. Yes I do I join in on a Monday for hockey squad and its really fun and a nice bonding experience. We are doing lots of training at the moment and finding our strongest positions. You don't have to be good and everyone is welcome and we just learn how to play.

              Posted by Lola, 17/10/2020 at 10:46

            2. Hi Lola, what have you most enjoyed about KES and what was most different from what you expected?

              Posted by Guest448, 17/10/2020 at 10:39

              1. I have really enjoyed meeting new friends and playing with them at breaktime and lunchtime. One of the things I didn't expect was liking some of the subjects like Latin but like I said I'm really enjoying it. :)

                Posted by Lola, 17/10/2020 at 10:50

            3. Hello.loved your q&a session. Thanks. Do you have Saturday school normally of sports obligations on a saturday? Also do you belong to a house and what activities do you do with your house? Sports or other competitions?

              Posted by Guest256, 17/10/2020 at 09:41

              1. Hi. No we don't have Saturday school but we would normally have sport training or possibly fixtures.

                Posted by Lola, 17/10/2020 at 09:43

                1. No, we don't have houses, but we do a lot of inter-form competitions like drama, sports, and athletics.

                  Posted by Lewis, 17/10/2020 at 09:44

                2. Hello, I am Lewis, I am in year 7 and I am here to answer your questions today!

                  Posted by Lewis, 17/10/2020 at 09:41

                  1. Hi Lewis, do you do any clubs after school?

                    Posted by Guest329, 17/10/2020 at 10:32

                    1. After school, I have Jiu Jitsu, which is a Japanese martial arts and I really enjoy it! Also, I have squads, which happens on a Monday afternoon. At squads, we play some sports. It's really fun! I'm hoping to join some music-based clubs in the future.

                      Posted by Lewis, 17/10/2020 at 10:43

                  2. good morning my name is Toby

                    Posted by Toby, 17/10/2020 at 09:42

                    1. Hi Toby, do you do any clubs after school?

                      Posted by Guest329, 17/10/2020 at 10:33

                      1. Yes I do: ju-jitsu on a Friday after school, I do rugby after school on Monday and at lunch on Monday is art club which is really fun and there is drama club on Tuesday and some others on other days but there will be many, many more after covid has past.

                        Posted by Toby, 17/10/2020 at 10:47

                    2. Please could you let me know what the mobile phone policy is? Is it different in different year groups? Thank you.

                      Posted by Guest332, 17/10/2020 at 09:43

                      1. Year 7 are not allowed phones during the school day. If we do need to bring one in, then it will be locked in our locker, or kept in the lower school office.

                        Posted by Isabella, 17/10/2020 at 09:46

                        1. The children can explain what happens for them in Year 7, but I can add that the rules do gradually change as pupils move through the school. Middle School and Upper School pupils (Years 8-11) are not allowed to use phones inside the buildings, and phones must never be out in lessons. As you would expect, Sixth Form pupils have more leeway, and we allow them to use their devices in the Sixth Form centre.

                          Posted by Ms C Losse, 17/10/2020 at 09:48

                        2. Hello! I'm Issy and I'm a year 7 pupil. I am here to answer some of your questions.

                          Posted by Isabella, 17/10/2020 at 09:43

                          1. Hi Issy, do you do any clubs after school? Did you fin easy to find new friends at the new school?

                            Posted by Guest329, 17/10/2020 at 10:34

                            1. Yes, I do. I do squads after school on a Monday, 4:00 - 5:30. And normally after school care on Tuesdays and Fridays. I also do running club at Monday lunchtime and drama club on Tuesday lunchtime, and you also have the option to do tech as well.
                              I found it really easy to make new friends at my new school, since my mum organized a meet up over the summer with the contact details she had, so when I joined Kes I knew a few people from the meet up which I found was very helpful, and I'm sure the others did too. Also, once you have completed your first week, you feel like you've already been there for a really long time, and are really settled in.

                              Posted by Isabella, 17/10/2020 at 10:54

                          2. let me tell you about form time

                            Posted by Toby, 17/10/2020 at 09:54

                            1. How do you deal with social and behaviour problems, such as bullying, teasing and ostracism?

                              Posted by Guest399, 17/10/2020 at 09:55

                              1. We all talk about bullying in PSHE, and everyone knows that we should tell a teacher if we come across it.

                                Posted by Isabella, 17/10/2020 at 10:02

                                1. We want pupils to feel happy and safe at school. If a pupil has been upset by the actions of another pupil, we encourage them to talk about it to a teacher, family member or friend; this way it can be nipped in the bud.

                                  Posted by DB:Cloud:DB:SIMSemp:5987, 17/10/2020 at 10:07

                                2. How does the staff team support the children to choose subjects that they love as well as their strongest subjects for GCSE and A Level? What kind of career support is available?

                                  Posted by GuestK504, 17/10/2020 at 09:55

                                  1. Pupils must take subjects they enjoy at GCSE and beyond. Teachers will have a good handle on who is suited for what through experience in the classroom as well as understanding pupils' own passions and interests. Careers discussions and subject choice advice happens in PSHE, and we run information sessions for pupils and parents around choices and options when the decisions need to be made.

                                    Posted by Ms C Losse, 17/10/2020 at 10:04

                                  2. Hi, let me tell you about my new favourite subjects. One of them is drama. I LOVE drama! When we started I thought I wouldn't really enjoy Latin but due to the teacher and the lesson I'm really enjoying it. Also I thought there would be subjects I would really dislike but I'm loving every one.

                                    Posted by Lola, 17/10/2020 at 09:56

                                    1. Good Morning, question from my daughter, do you get fish and chips on a friday? Do you enjoy the school lunch?

                                      Posted by Guest329, 17/10/2020 at 09:57

                                      1. Yes we do have fish and chip Friday and yes I do enjoy the lunches here. There is always lots of choice.

                                        Posted by Toby, 17/10/2020 at 10:05

                                      2. For the pupils, what are school lunches like and what is your favourite meal?

                                        Posted by Guest702, 17/10/2020 at 09:57

                                        1. You can choose to have school hot meals or the school packed lunch you could also have your own packed lunch from home like me if you want.

                                          Posted by Lola, 17/10/2020 at 10:01

                                          1. I actually have packed lunch from home, but the school lunches look really nice. If you don't like the hot option for the day, you can choose to have the school packed lunch containing sandwiches. Also, there is the vegetarian option, which if you are a vegetarian, you're not left out. On Friday, we have the legendary fish and chips! Overall, the school lunches are really nice.

                                            Posted by Lewis, 17/10/2020 at 10:05

                                          2. So every form time we will do some sort of activity like colouring, a quiz or planning our form board.

                                            Posted by Toby, 17/10/2020 at 09:58

                                            1. Good Morning, how are the children supported emotionaly fi they are finding the school work overwhelming? Who they can talk to?

                                              Posted by Guest329, 17/10/2020 at 09:58

                                              1. The staff really are approachable and reasonable! We pick up quickly on work worries, and support Year 7 specifically from the outset with organisation and planning their time. Relationships are key, and we will work with pupils who are finding things tough, whatever the issue. Form tutors are very experienced at working though issues with children, and the wider pastoral team of Heads of Year and Sector, School Nurses and School Counsellor are always on hand.

                                                Posted by Ms C Losse, 17/10/2020 at 10:14

                                              2. Dear Toby, Lola, Lewis and Issy, thank you for your sharing. It is really helpful and i will share this to my daughters as they would love to watch your sharing about life in KES, especially the lunch part :). Thanks again!

                                                Posted by Guest281, 17/10/2020 at 09:59

                                                1. You're welcome we all enjoyed making the video.

                                                  Posted by Lola, 17/10/2020 at 10:05

                                                  1. thanks

                                                    Posted by Toby, 17/10/2020 at 10:51

                                                  2. How the school encourages the children to make small sacrifices for those in need?

                                                    Posted by Guest329, 17/10/2020 at 10:05

                                                    1. Each of the forms have charity reps, that discuss ways on how the school can help others. And the whole of year 7 are also thinking of doing a reverse advent calendar each day this Christmas.

                                                      Posted by Isabella, 17/10/2020 at 10:11

                                                    2. Hello, please can you tell me about positions of responsibility in Year 7, e.g. class rep/school council? How are the children encouraged to get involved with these?

                                                      Posted by GuestK517, 17/10/2020 at 10:46

                                                      1. I'm my form rep for my class and we had a meeting near the start of term and we have one next week. We talked about how we can make the school better and helping others and listening to others ideas.

                                                        Posted by Lola, 17/10/2020 at 10:53

                                                        1. There are lots of positions of responsibility in year 7. For example, there is Form rep, which is "year council". There is sports rep, which takes care of all the sport activities that the class does, and charity rep, which takes care of the charity part of the class. Each period of time, usually half a term, if you want to be a rep, you put your name down and the class will vote for whoever they think will be good for the position. Children are encouraged to get involved by putting themselves forward for those responsibilities.

                                                          Posted by Lewis, 17/10/2020 at 10:57

                                                        2. Typically, how many clubs in Y7 is it ok to do, so I am not tired out, and still can get my homework done too?

                                                          Posted by Guest253, 17/10/2020 at 11:12

                                                          1. Well you get approximately 2 pieces of homework per night which should take around an hour. So you could do any lunchtime clubs whenever or 2-3 after school activities to keep on top of your homework.

                                                            Posted by Lola, 17/10/2020 at 11:19

                                                            1. Normally you only get one to two pieces of homework per day and it is really useful to do the homework on the day that it is set so I do three clubs a week but could do more.:)

                                                              Posted by Toby, 17/10/2020 at 11:22

                                                              1. I normally try to get my homework done in the week, so I'm able to spend time with my family, that's why I do after school club on Tuesdays and Fridays. My homework probably takes me around and hour to do.

                                                                Posted by Isabella, 17/10/2020 at 11:26

                                                              2. What are the star/end timings for the day? Do pupils stay late to do prep?

                                                                Posted by Guest308, 17/10/2020 at 12:00

                                                                1. Almost everyone is on site by 830, and many arrive much earlier than that. Form rooms are open from approximately 8am. Unfortunately at the moment we are unable to offer breakfast club. Registration is at 840 and then there are two hour-long lessons until break, and another lesson before lunch. Afternoon school begins with a second registration at 1.45, and school ends at 4pm. We offer supervised after-school care until 530, which is entirely optional, but pupils can stay and do their homework or read and play until then.

                                                                  Posted by Ms C Losse, 17/10/2020 at 12:10

                                                                  1. Thank you for letting me sneak in that last minute question! Many thanks for the very informative Q&A session.

                                                                    Posted by Guest308, 17/10/2020 at 12:31

                                                                2. Thank you very much to Lola, Toby, Lewis and Issy, who have gone off to enjoy their weekends. I hope you enjoyed watching and listening to them and that we have been able to answer your questions. Thanks too to everyone who asked us a question. Have a nice weekend!

                                                                  Posted by Ms C Losse, 17/10/2020 at 12:13

                                                                  1. Hi, You obviously have some very talented children at KES. If a child isn’t necessarily an under performer but maybe sees other children consistently achieving more than themselves how do you ensure that they keep confident and positive about their own skills?

                                                                    Posted by Guest196, 17/10/2020 at 20:59

                                                                    1. Through the induction and interview process, the Year 7 Team try and get to know each individual pupil as quickly as possible and find out their skills and strengths. Armed with this information, we can take interest in an individual's hobbies and interests; we are always keen to celebrate successes both in and outside school. Boosting self esteem is very important; staff will recognise, encourage and acknowledge both effort and progress which, in turn, helps pupils to feel positive and confident.

                                                                      Posted by DB:Cloud:DB:SIMSemp:5987, 19/10/2020 at 13:26